Friday 7 February 2014

References Alex's Website Drugs not 4 me
www,MYBRAIN.COM Amirs own Brain


6th Post Consequences

Drugs can lead to a lot of $#!@.
here are some of the Consequences
Drop in grade
Trouble with debt
Trouble with law
extreme loss of weight
loss of brain cells
loss of friends
and in the most extreme cases death

5th Post Acid/LSD

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a hallucinogen that is referred to as “acid.” It is made from lysergic acid, which is from a fungus that grows on rye and other grains. 
On the street, Acid is most often sold as "blotters" or "blotter acid": small squares of Purple haze-soaked blotting paper (absorbent paper), each containing one individual dose of Dots. Blotters are often printed with colourful pictures or cartoon characters. However, Dot can also be sold as a powder, as capsules or as tablets. Cube powder may also be sold as miniature powder pellets called “microdots.” Cid crystals are dissolved into liquid which can be sold in small breath freshener droppers or applied to sugar cubes, gelatin squares ("window panes"), gum, candy, cookies or even postage stamps.
Also known as: acid, back breaker, blotter acid, blotters, boomers, cid, dot, dots, mellow yellow, barrels, California sunshine, cube, domes, flats, frogs, lids, wedges, microdot, purple haze, hits, sid, tabs, trips, window pane, and yellow sunshine.

4th Post Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybin)

Magic Mushrooms are  a hallucinogen and a certain species of mushrooms. The scientific word for is Psilocybin. Shrooms may be sold on the street as dried whole mushrooms, or as a brown powdered material. Mushies can also be grown in illegal labs and sold on the street as a white powder, in tablets, or in capsules.
Fungus are often eaten raw or cooked. They may consumed like "tea" or mixed with fruit juice to make a drink sometimes called "fungus delight." It can also be snorted or injected.
Magic and poisonous mushrooms may look alike making it hard to tell them apart. Some people may mistakenly consume poisonous mushrooms when thinking they are shroomies.
Also known as: magic, magic mushrooms, mushrooms, shrooms, mushies, fungus, fungus delight, and shroomies 

3rd Post Relieving Stress

There are many ways of relieving you're stress, here are a few.

Doing sports and other physical activities 
Relaxing listening to music (happy music!)
Watch TV (it works for me might work for you)
and keep calm and DON'T DO DRUGS

2nd Post Who to call

It is a fact that people get addicted, so when this happens be sure to call these people
(note: most/all of these are in Ottawa, Canada)

Addictions and problem gambling services of Ottawa:
Centre for addiction and mental health:
David Smith Centre:
Early Intervention Program
Maison Fraternite:
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board
Ottawa Police Service:
Rideauwood Addictions and Family Services
Centre Roberts/Smart
Youth Services Bureau

Monday 27 January 2014

1st Post Warningsigns

                 Hello my name is Amir. Welcome to my blog I will be talking about drugs specifically hallucinogens and how they affect you're brain and other stuff.

here is my first topic/subject

-Red eyes
-Drop of marks
(which can be from family issues which can lead to drug/substance abuse)
-New and shady friends
-Different personality